The list of things that I have to do are mounting up and I just don't know when I'm supposed to do them. The weekend was a wash out in terms of writing. I feel physically blocked from starting the new film and yet I have to feel confident in what I'm doing before the second pitch from hell in 4 weeks now. 4 weeks! So today is a day of new starts. A day of looking at my hand scribbled list of chores and tackling it straight on. No shirking away from the point or finding less important jobs to do first. I will not stare out of the window for the next 5 hours and then wonder why I feel like I haven't achieved anything at the end of the usual. It is not a usual day. With all of this motivational talk I feel like jumping out of my chair and doing a sprint of the office. High fiving all of my colleagues and whooping down the halls. But that would be a distraction putting off the second that I have to turn back to my screen ...
The frenzied scribblings of a wannabe writer masquerading as an Executive Assistant during the hours of daylight.