If I had to pin down exactly what I want a reader to gain from one of my stories or plays or the-film-that-is-causing-me-nightmares I would say it is to be eneveloped in a story completely and utterly. Phil Spector's Wall of Sound but for words and stories and moving pictures that grab your heart and brain in unison and shake them until you forget, just for a 10 second panic, who you actually are. Charlie Brooker recently had a three part TV mini-series on Channel 4, Black mirror, and one of the episodes ( 15 Million Merits ) had a song playing throughout it. Irma Thomas's 'Anyone who Knows What Love Is' is apparently a little known track from an album in 1963 and it does exactly what I want my work to do to someone... From the opening burst of backing vocals to the strange twist on a note at the end of the chorus (I'm so technical it's untrue). It has you hooked.
The frenzied scribblings of a wannabe writer masquerading as an Executive Assistant during the hours of daylight.