We all have regrets. They may be large or small. Normally they live on in a box tucked away on the upper shelf in the back of your mind. Festering slightly but largely forgotten about and too far out of sight to cause any day to day trouble. But every now and then you search out a ladder, climb it to the highest rung and forage around on tip toes in the depths of your brain for the box that you know will make you feel rubbish but you can't help yourself. Like a wound itching beneath one of those old school brown plasters. It would be nice to incinerate these boxes of regret. Blast them into a furnace bubbling away at the ends of the Earth never to resurface. But you can't. One of my biggest fears in life is that when I get older (if I get that much older) I get alzheimers and these regrets play on vividly in my mind. On a loop that might suggest they're happening right now. In this second. Of this time....
The frenzied scribblings of a wannabe writer masquerading as an Executive Assistant during the hours of daylight.